This will be a VERY short post. Chris Earl is right. I do over punctuate. I'll work on that. And capitalize too many things, except when I'm supposed to.
This will be a very short post because I am so tired I can hardly see straight.
I've just gotten home from 3 of the wildest and most fun nights that I have ever had in my very favorite city. The great big apple. The great and wonderful New York City.
I saw my son's band play a great show (the reason for the whole trip), and had the most fun you can imagine with my two oldest children and their friends, and my friends - both very old friends and new ones. My past and present and future seemed to collide into one great big whirlwind of experience.
I left New York from this trip sort of blissed out, and beyond proud of ...well.. I guess of all of us. Of Max, and Izzy, and the band, and the other parents that flew out for the showcase, and even of myself. What a life I've managed to concoct for myself. What brilliant, shining stars my children are, and what great friends I've made over the years and managed to hang on to, or find after losing them.
My daughter calls me a gypsy. My sister calls me a pirate. My brother says I can pull rabbits out of hats.
They are all right.
And that's not even the half of it. But the thing that people don't realize, is that pulling rabbits out of hats and being a gypsy-pirate is very hard work. Max knows all about this. Or at least is starting to. For instance, tonight, when we got home - the house smelled like gypsy-pirates had pulled a DEAD rabbit out of a homeless person's hat and stuffed it under the couch. In fact, our very own gypsy cat had killed a mouse and hidden it under the couch. What a pleasant thing to come home to. After you've been partying like a rock star. That will really bring you down to earth.
The mouse is cleaned up, with great team work from newly blonde Tess and Max. They were very kind to handle that one for me. And the kitchen is cleaned up. And the house smells much better. And I am dead tired. Time for me to take a long,long hot shower - wash the sleezy film from the guy who was jerking himself off in the subway while staring at me a couple of hours ago - curl up in my gypsy bed, and (hopefully) fall asleep to BBC news. More on the fabulous WICKER New York adventure tomorrow.
Friday, December 10, 2010
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