Saturday, December 22, 2012

the OK Cupid experiment...

SO.... (big breath)

Before I left Portland, my sister gently shoved me into the online dating world via OK Cupid.

"Look," she said, with a note of resigned pity on her face, "we both know that you are a breeder."
Before I could shake my head, "no", she went on.."A MATER - someone who likes to partner up. Am I wrong?"

"Well..." I said, thinking about it. "I guess so."
"And this is how it's DONE these days, Jennifer." she instructed me. "At the VERY least - you can just look at the guys in Texas and see what you think."

So, I started looking at the guys in Texas.
I was rather amazed at how many lovely, intelligent men were swimming around the pool of the OK Cupid waters. AND with good taste in books and music and film!

The first conversation I had online, was with a nice Atheist man from West Texas who scolded me for not having good photos up. "You need one where we can see your FACE." he wrote to me.

Ok, ok. I put more photos. 2 without sunglasses.

"That's good." He wrote. "Now fill out your profile and answer some of those questions."
"I don't like the questions. " I wrote back. "And I can't sum myself up in one page!"
"Well, I don't know what you want out of this experience.." he replied, "but I don't really want a pen pall. I really want to meet someone - and the more specific you are, the better chances that you'll meet someone you actually like.."

I thought about that. What DID I want? Just to look at the big, tall Texas cowboys? A pen pall? Well, no. I DID want to meet someone cool and great and all that. But I was NOT going to answer a million questions about sex and intimate stuff like that on a public site. So, I decided to try something different. I put up a link to this blog. Now - it's ALL out there. They could research me if they so chose to. My thoughts, my worst Christmas, my past - some of the TV shows I was on - easy to google, etc, etc.

I thought for sure I would get some hate mail - but I was ok with that. It certainly would be a weeding out process, wouldn't it?
Instead, I got lots of positive responses. Not one hate mail. (not yet, anyway). This OK Cupid thing was going pretty well - and the most LOVELY men were writing to me! Maybe it would WORK!!!

But then, conversations began to develop. Online. On screen.
These lovely men all had a LOT of questions. Good ones.
"Do you have a job lined up?" "Where will you live?" "How many times a week do you work out?"


I realized very quickly that I have NO answers to these questions.
Then I felt like a COMPLETE IDIOT.

"What the hell is wrong with you, girl?" I asked myself - while laughing at myself.
I have no job lined up, not sure where I'll be living and last week I worked out ZERO times and in fact was sitting in a car for 12 hrs at a time and only now am regaining feeling in my ass, and am on some road to recovering my poor stomach from the dreadful road trip crap I've put into it over the last few days.

In short - I am a mess. much as I really do want to cover all of those lovely Texas men with freshly sliced Texas peaches and eat them all up - as much as I want to go on a million coffee dates with different fellows - this one gentleman told me something that sticks in my head. He told me that he went on a date with this woman from OK Cupid and she BRAGGED at dinner that she just went out with all these guys to get a bunch of free meals out of it. If you can BELIEVE that! Not cool!

I in no way want to be like that woman.
And these super nice guys deserve a little better in my book. They deserve to go out with someone who can  answer at LEAST those first 3 questions. I mean, they ARE pretty basic, after all.

Gentle readers - I have torn myself away from the scintillating and slightly addictive world of online dating for NOW.
I intend to get myself into a place where I can answer those questions (and more)very happily, and then I'll just dive back in.


In the mean time - single ladies who read this blog - if you EVER thought about moving to Texas - I can tell you that there are some MIGHTY FINE gentlemen here - smart, cool, athletic, single (unless they're lying - but I don't think so) - that are ready to meet you for coffee!


  1. How about Chefisseasoned?
    Yes, seasoned is what I get from your stories. Seasoning makes things better, makes things more robust, brings out the best.....and so many more wonderful things.

    1. Well seasoned? ...ok. I'll take it! :)

    2. Jennifer,

      Christmas is a time of giving. You were kind enough to respond a few days ago while you were on OKC. Thank you. Your stories, experineces in life, have been good and from the heart. I am going way out of my comfort zone on this but I would like to give you a gift as we should all have Gifts for Christmas.

      I know you are taking a chance and that it is your choice if you open this. I too have usually felt like a toy on misfit island, in fact I called my first computer.....Bumbles.

      Merry Christmas 2012

    3. Bumbles. Very good.
      Thank you for that present.
      I am honored.

  2. It is always great to see you writing and stepping out into the world again Jennifer.

    Online dating can be many things to many people and I hope it does not color your outlook to much. Taking a break is always a wise choice in that arena as it is both time consuming and somewhat draining on ones soul.

    My only gift is the wish that you find that special part of life's joys that makes you feel warm and safe inside. That certain something that we all look for in life.

    I along with all the other fine men here in TX wish you good fortune in your adventures and perhaps one day our paths will cross.

    Happy Holidays!


  3. Hi,

    Chordringer, here.

    It sounds like you are doing exactly what you need to do. Brava! I am also bowing out of the OKC world. I have subscribed to your blog as "technophobe", tied to Please, reach out, if the mood strikes, and I wish you the very best of luck and fortune in 2013.


    1. With such goodwishes,I am bound to do SOMETHING right! :)
