Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tweak's Taboo in NYC.

If you've been reading this blog - you may remember Tweak. My first and only attempt at a one night stand. Which ended up being a fun 7 or 8 month long-distance romance. Tweak was touring, so I got to fly around and meet up with him at glamorous hotels. Then I went to NYC for a visit. That's when he got this nick name.

He introduced me to South Park. And there was a character called Tweak in that season that reminded me of John.He had fly away, crazy, yellow blonde hair and twitched a lot. Just like John. MY Tweak was a little twitchy like that because he had blood sugar issues. We'd walk around NYC ALL DAY - with periodic stops when Tweak would get really nuts and look like he was going to faint.
"I need some food NOW." he'd say to me intensely - his great big eyes boring into my face. "Fruit, ANYTHING."

I had a great time with him on that visit.He introduced me to Patty Griffin, we smoked tons of MJ, and ate at darling cafes all over the city. In the evenings we'd go around the Village to visit all of his musician friends at their various gigs. He seemed to know every single one of them. Then we'd go back to his place and meet his house-mate's date for that evening. Always a new one. I have never personally witnessed - first hand - such a player. The RANGE of women he brought back was impressive, too. Not one type - but ALL types. Every color, age, and size of the fairer sex seemed to be willing to come home with Joey and have wild, crazy loud sex with him. The only common denominator (that week at least) seemed to be their slightly lower IQs.

One night we were climbing into bed after a long, jazz filled evening. Tweak decided to mess with me.
"Wow. Joey's girl tonight seemed REALLY young...right?" I asked him in a whisper.
"Oh - don't be jealous." he replied.
"Jealous!?" I asked, confused. He BETTER not think I was attracted to his room mate - because I was NOT.
"Jealous because you're old and fat." Tweak said with a huge grin on his face.
"Did you REALLY just say that?" I asked incredulously as he turned out the lights.
"What?" he asked innocently.
I was so pissed. That's about the worst thing you can say to a woman. No matter how NOT old or NOT fat I had been feeling 2 seconds before he said it - it wracked me with insecurity. I happened to be experiencing a very THIN section of my life right then, and was getting slimmer every day I spent walking around the entire city for 8 hours at a time with him. Geez! I WISH I was that 'old and fat' NOW!

I snuggled up to his back and whispered right into his ear, "Well you are certainly NOT going to get laid tonight unless you apologize for that horrible remark."
He paused for a moment. Then said, "I'm sorry."
I snuggled a little closer to him.
"I'm sorry that you're old and fat." he continued and then burst into muffled giggles.
I smacked him.
"You are HORRIBLE! That is possibly the WORST thing any man has EVER said to me!" I turned away from him and scootched to the edge of the bed where we wouldn't even be touching.
"Awww... it's a joke! It was a joke! A pretty good one, too." he laughed, seemingly pleased with himself and the havoc he'd just wrecked in my girl-brain.
"I'm not sure I will ever forgive you." I said, trying to sound haughty and disdainful.

Tweak had no idea how much that hurt me that night. I know he didn't.He didn't know where I was in my life, or what I'd just been through. Not yet.

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