Sunday, September 9, 2012


It was 1:34 am. She thought about going upstairs "to bed"...."But why?", she thought. "What's the point?" Two years ago, she had been reacquainted with a long lost love. Reacquainted. What a funny and misleading word - in this instance. Let me start again. Two years ago she had been invited to a concert. It was funny, because she drove two and a half hours to see it with her friend and her son, and when they got there - they couldn't find the venue. Roaming around this little beach town in the pitch dark, looking for a concert that had already started. When they finally found the place, they were told it was intermission. She went in search of the ladies' room, laughed at herself in the mirror after much scrutiny and primping. Why should it be so important, after all? He was married, lived far away, and it had been a very, VERY long time. Surely every silly thought floating around in her head was just that. Silly. Laughing at herself was the only thing to do. She hurried back to the concert hall, but just as she turned the corner, she saw him. What happened to her then can hardly be described. She'd spent the last two years alternately trying to forget it, and trying to hold onto it as hard as she could. She saw him from a little distance, standing in the corridor, and in less than an instant, everything was different. In less than an instant it felt as though they were the only two people on the earth. In less than an instant, she felt like she couldn't breath, couldn't make sense of anything, and felt like she couldn't even exist if she could not be with him. In less than an instant, the world started to spin in slow motion, she could focus on nothing but his face - her heart beating furiously, her cheeks bright red - it took all of her will power to move like a human, shake his hand, and find her way into a seat. She choked on her own longing as she watched him move into the space with the same boyish grace she remembered from so long ago. Only now his tall frame was more self assured and life had clearly been gracious and good to him, for he was more handsome, confident and talented than any human has a right to be - all at once.

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