Friday, December 17, 2010

Sophie gets married to the Moon.

So, this is how my life is. Not then. Now.
This is just a normal story about a normal weekend in my life.

It was right before Thanksgiving - this last one, and my cousin , Bonnie, said she was coming out for a Moon Wedding. She asked if I would mind having her stay with me.
"Of COURSE not!" I easily replied. "I'd LOVE it!" ...and I WOULD love it. Bonnie and I are cousins that haven't had the opportunity to see each other very often. She runs an avant-garde theater in Austin, TX called 'The Vortex'. I started out as an actress doing almost ONLY very experimental theater.

So, she came out and stayed with us for this Moon Wedding.

"What the heck is a 'Moon Wedding'?" asked my daughter, Sophie.
"Well, I don't really know." I replied. "But the way Bonnie described it was that it's like a theater piece - but it's also a real wedding where people that call themselves 'eco-sexuals' get married to the moon - as a sort of pledge, I think, to nature and all that stuff. Partly they're doing it because NASA has been bombing the moon to look for water, and it's a protest."

"Well who are THEY?", Sophie asked.
"Um...I'm not sure exactly - but the two main people that Bonnie knows are this lesbian couple and one of them used to be in adult entertainment, I think."
"You mean PORN?", asked Sophie.
"Yea. Like that."
She got quiet for a minute as she thought about this. Sometimes I think my kids just think I am SO weird. But for once - maybe SOMEONE - was weirder.
"Well, is this the cousin that's a witch?" Sophie asked.
"Yes. She's something like that. She has the theater. In Austin."
"Well, is she a REAL witch?"
"I think so. I think she's really important, actually. I think people fly her around the world to do seminars and stuff."
"Hmmm. What room is she staying in?" was Sophie's next question.
"I thought I'd put her in Blue's."

A couple days before Bonnie arrived, Sophie broached the subject again.
"Do you think I could go to this 'Moon Wedding'?" she asked.
"Well, I'll ask Bonnie. I think so."
"And could I bring a friend, or maybe two?"
"I'll check it out. I think so, we just have to get there early. She says it might be sold out. And everyone's supposed to wear purple."
"Oh! Please don't take this the wrong way, mom. But I was hoping you WOULDN'T come. Actually."

So, somehow - Sophie talked me into driving her and her cute friends to this Moon Wedding and dropping them off. Blue and I (her little brother) weren't allowed to come. For some reason, I didn't mind. Even though both Blue and I were REALLY curious to see what goes on at a 'Moon Wedding'. We stuck around for little and spied on the event before we left.
Sure enough, people of all ages, colors, sizes and styles were filing in - all dressed up in purple. Lots of them were dressed in crazy bridesmaid attire. Even some of the guys. One person was dressed like the bunch of grapes from the 'Fruit of the loom' commercials. Bonnie's friends looked AMAZING! The once-adult-entertainment-star had this CRAZY purple wedding dress on....and there was this other guy there dressed like a Southern Baptist preacher, in a white polyester suit. The whole thing was staged at the base of the mountains out in Alta Dena at this park-like ampitheater.

I guess the reason I didn't mind so much (that Sophie didn't want me to come), was because I was kind of thrilled that she was taking such an interest in something so cool. I mean, I thought it was a far better way to spend a saturday night than going to the mall or to see some stupid movie. And all three of these kids were really jazzed about it. All three of them looked beautiful in their purple outfits.

And when they all described the event to me later, it turned out to be even cooler than I imagined it would be.
They told me there was this guy, the guy in the white suit, who performed the ceremony, and preached a whole thing about non-consumerism. And he came with a whole choir to back him up. The three of them seemed very impressed by the non-consumerism sermon, and talked about it the whole way home.

I didn't have a whole lot of time to hang with my cousin, because she was really busy organizing this whole thing, but I was happy that she came out. Happy my daughter got married to the moon. Happy that Sophie has such cool friends. And now, when we're out and about and we see the moon clear up in the sky, or hiding behind the clouds (as it is tonight), Sophie looks up at it and says, "Hey, hubby!"'s pretty adorable.

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